Appleton, WI

A Pastoral Letter on Giving Thanks and Praise to the Lord
and On a Theology for a Eucharistic Revival

Jesus tells us that He is the Living Bread, but what does that really mean and why is it important? In a time where only *31% of Catholics believe that Jesus is wholly present, body, blood, soul and divinity, in the Holy Eucharist, answering these questions is of the utmost importance.

In this new pastoral letter published on June 10, 2023, Father Bill Swichtenberg of St. Mary Parish helps us unpack the mystery of the Real Presence and explore the beauty of the how the Lord reaches out to us in love by offering us the perfect gift of himself in the Eucharist.

This letter is packed with ideas and resources to help you discover the Eucharist in a new way. It is meant to be a companion to the November 2022 letter published by Bishop David Ricken of the Diocese of Green Bay.


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Love Bade Us Welcome: A Pastoral Letter by Fr. Bill Swichtenberg

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QR code to the Love Bade Us Welcome Pastoral Letter


Love Bade Us Welcome: QR Code

Get the document fast by using the QR code. Open your “camera” app on your smartphone or tablet and point your camera lens over this QR code. In seconds, your smartphone will open up the link to the Pastoral Letter!


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Encountering Jesus In the Eucharist: Disciples Called to Worship

A new Pastoral Letter from Bishop David Ricken, Diocese of Green Bay, with a call to deeper encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist.

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Jesus with Children stained glass windowEncounter Jesus in the Eucharist with Adoration at St. Mary’s Appleton

Did you know that St. Mary Catholic Church has an adoration chapel? Located in the “Marian Way” of the Church, the Adoration chapel is open during the hours the main church is open. We invite you to visit Jesus in the Eucharist today.

You can also spend time with Jesus in the Eucharist Wednesday evenings. Adoration is also available every Wednesday from 4:30-8 pm in the chapel. This is the only adoration time where advance sign-up is requested.

blue signup button

Directions: To get to the “Marian Way,” enter through the church office doors (door facing W 8th St.) and go through the double-doors. Walk through the hallway and turn left. The Adoration Chapel is on your left.


*A Pew Research Study conducted in February 2019 found that only 31% of Catholics believe that the blood and wine become the whole person of Jesus Christ during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.