Appleton, WI

Letter from the chair

This year has been a busy and exciting time for the St. Mary Pastoral Leadership Council team.

In fall 2022, we participated in the St. Mary parish retreat to prepare ourselves, with the help of the Holy Spirit, in creating a five-year strategic plan.

Then, in January 2023, we met for a day-long Strategic Planning Event with parishioners and leadership team members. Group discussions centered around our five focus pillars (Worship, Ministry, Discipleship, Fellowship, Mission) of the plan and how we can move forward by incorporating paradigm shifts within each pillar. From these discussions it was decided that the pillars of Ministry and Worship would be first to be addressed and supported. We have continued moving forward with these focus pillars and have recently assigned parish leadership council liaisons to each pillar committee.

In June, we extended a heartfelt “thank you” to three wonderful women who have served our council over the past three years: Beth Power (PLC Chair), Angie Van Brocklin and Annie Geurts. Thank you, ladies, for sharing your gifts and your commitment to love and serve our community.

Welcome to our newest Parish Leadership Council members Chris Fraley, Nathan Graff, Mary Ellen Julien, and Tim Schraufnagel. Thank you for saying “yes!”

The Parish Leadership Council is grateful for your support and inspired by the Holy Spirit we look forward to continuing our mission to send “ripples of God’s love, through our hearts, to all hearts.”

Peace & blessings,


Kara Main

Helpful Links

Parish Mission Statement

Parish Norms



