Course descriptions by category:
Prayer/Music/Stress ManagementLet Music be Your Prayer – (5 day series)
Join professional Music Therapist Becky Dvorak and her daughters each day as they lead us in prayer through scripture, reflection, and music.
- Day 1 – The Blessing
- Day 2 – Forever
- Day 3 – Raise a Hallelujah
- Day 4 – Goodness of God
Adoration — What’s in it for Me?
Spend time with Jesus as college sophomores Konnor Barth (parishioner), Jacob Till, and Jessica Bittner lead us in an hour of praise, worship, prayer, reflection and Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament.
Staying Close to Jesus – Especially During Hard Times
Being a teen is hard, and that’s without a pandemic and the loss of our friends, sports,social gatherings, extended family, vacations…and who knows what else. Not to mention the fear of the unknown and of those we know and love getting sick. So, how do I stay close to Jesus, especially now? Is God even listening when I pray? What if I’m angry with Him or just wonder why He isn’t doing more to help us? An honest discussion on the power and purpose of praying by parishioner, Xavier staff member, and mom of seven, Kathy Barth.
Miracles Really Do Still Happen
Three years ago this spring, 21-year-old rapper, Seth Alfaro, fell 25 feet through a roof that collapsed onto concrete. Seth shared his miraculous story with a group of Xavier students a few weeks go. He talks about the tragedy and ensuing miracles that saved not only his life, but his soul.
Stress Management Techniques and Tips for Teens
Heather Parlmer, MSW, and mother of eight, offers her insights and shares practical exercises and calming techniques to help you navigate through this incredibly stressful and unchartered time in your life. View the presentation here.
Virtual Concert
Card Making
There are so many people right now who could use a special “thank you” or “pick me up” during these trying times. Learn how to make your own cards and send them to grandparents, neighbors, medical personnel, teachers, essential workers, and those who are ill or alone. Led by Xavier staff member and mom, Lisa Pfaff.
Face Masks and Prayers
The CDC now says we should wear face masks when out in public, but supplies are limited. Learn how to make them at home for your family or for your neighbors, grandparents, medical heroes you know, first responders, and essential workers. And, the importance of praying for those who will be wearing them. Led by middle school teacher, Kaitlin (Barth) VanOcker.
The “One Left” Game
Play this game against your family members and win every time! Parishioner and math teacher Keri McCormick will show you a simple trick that will have your family members frustrated and thinking you’re the luckiest person around!
Nervous Card Game
Play this fun and fast-paced game with your siblings and family. The McCormick family easily shows you how! No trump is involved, making it an easy and fun game to learn!
London Bridge
Upcycled Purse/Beach Bag and Pillow
Take that favorite t-shirt and/or sports jersey you’ve outgrown and up-cycle them into a large purse or beach bag and a pillow. No sewing necessary. Offered by Corinne Wilburn, owner of Back Shed Treasures.
Upcycled Blue Jean Garland
Take your old jeans and make a fun garland, perfect for hanging pictures, lights or even hats. No sewing necessary. Offered by Corinne Wilburn, owner of Back Shed Treasures.
Wall Hanging
Create this beautiful wall hanging – a perfect reminder that we need to follow Jesus’ example and focus on “Others.” Perfect to keep or make as a gift for someone special. Offered by Corinne Wilburn, owner of Back Shed Treasures.
Adventure Painting
Get your “creative” on and join teacher and former youth minister, Kaitlin (Barth) VanOcker as she takes you step-by-step through painting a picture that celebrates “Adventure” and better days ahead, inspired by the movie “Up.”
Upcycled Aprons
Chili Cook Off, Anyone?
Learn how to make dinner for the family with this EASY version of chili that can be customized with a variety of ingredients and can be made on the stove, in the crock pot, or in an Insta-pot. Also included is how to make an easy oven-baked quesadilla. Led by home chef, Corinne Wilburn.
“Good Morning Yorkshire Puddings”
This is not your typical pudding or even a bread pudding. Learn the basic steps to this recipe and then add your own choice of toppings to create a new favorite breakfast dish for your family. Led by home chef, Corinne Wilburn.
Do you love to dance or want to try it out? Or do you just want to work on flexibility? If so, you’re in good company! Parishioners Maddi and Kylie McCormick have been dancing since they were little girls. Now in college and high school, they put together both a quick and fun arms workout and an abs workout. Then they searched around and found three really good videos to share—one to increase your flexibility, and then a beginner barre one for those interested in trying ballet, as well as an intermediate/advanced barre one for those who are trying to keep up their skills during the quarantine.
- Abs – Dance Workout (Maddi and Kylie McCormick)
- Arms – Dance Workout (Maddi and Kylie McCormick)
- Flexibility Workout (Kathryn Morgan)
- Beginner Barre (Ballet Class) (Kathryn Morgan)
- Intermediate/Advanced Barre Class (Kathryn Morgan)
Family Tabata Workout
Join parishioner and fitness instructor Beth Powers as she leads us in a tabata style (20 seconds of work/10 seconds rest – 8 times per set) family workout. No equipment needed! Crank up some fun music and enjoy!
Yoga Class
Parishioner and Yoga Instructor Beth Powers offers us a way to increase our flexibility with this 20 minute beginner yoga sequence that begins and ends with prayer.
Geocaching… What Is It?
How Do I Get Started? – Learn the ins and outs of geocaching and how to build your very first geocache so you are ready to begin this popular hobby when the quarantine is over. Led by geocaching enthusiast, Kris VanOcker.
Gardening 101
Take up a new hobby during the quarantine. Learn the basics of gardening and how to prep for your own garden this spring. Offered by Corinne Wilburn, garden enthusiast and owner of Back Shed Treasures.
Up-cycled Gardening
Great ideas for creating up-cycled containers from things found around your house so you can make your own herb or flower garden. Good for use with any smaller plants. Offered by Corinne Wilburn, owner of Back Shed Treasures.
Build your own Tool Box
Follow along with Kris VanOcker as he leads you in step-by-step instructions on how to build your very own wooden tool box. You’ll be building like a professional in no time.