Appleton, WI

Lent 2023: In the Master’s Company

No matter how many times we “do” Lent, each 40-day season brings with it an inner longing to make this one better; to get to Easter knowing that the time we spent with Jesus changed us. All the elements of Lent – ashes, rituals, sacrifices, added prayer time – have that one goal: an encounter with the Master. That’s where Lent gets real.

Fr. Bill’s Lenten homily series this year is entitled “Immersed in Jesus’ World.” Each week will be an exercise in imaginative prayer. Also known as Ignatian contemplation, it encourages us to use all our senses to put ourselves into the scripture stories with Jesus.

Lent calls us to go into the story, Jesus’ story. How will you seek the Master’s company?

CLICK HERE for a printable Lent 2023 Booklet.


Mass Times

FEB 22 | Ash Wednesday | 7am, 12:05 & 6:30pm

APR 1/2 | Palm Sunday | regular weekend Mass schedule

APR 6 | Holy Thursday | 7pm | Adoration in chapel until 10:30pm

APR 7 | Good Friday | services @ 12:15 & 6:30pm

APR 8 | Easter Vigil | 8pm

APR 9 | Easter Sunday | 7:45, 9:45 & 11:45am | no 6:30pm Mass


Reconciliation/Confession Opportunities

Tuesdays | 6:15pm | in the chapel
Saturdays | 9am | in the parish office
Fr. Bill Keeping the Church Lights On | Monday, April 3 | 6-9pm | in the chapel


Small Groups

Our lives are strengthened when we can sit down with each other, share our life experiences, friendship and faith. Join a group that reflects you! Besides growing in our common interests, we can all help each other grow in our relationship with Jesus.

We have groups that cater to a variety of interests! To sign up or explore group dates/times, leaders, and more, CLICK HERE.

A Gift for You

FORMED –The Catholic Faith. On Demand.
Get thousands of movies, programs, audio, and books instantly on your phone, smart TV, or computer. Visit to get started.



Fridays | 9am-9pm
Saturdays | 9am-noon
Drop in or CLICK HERE to sign up for a time slot


Soup & Stations of the Cross

St. Mary | 5:30pm | March 9, 16, 23
St. Joseph | 5:30pm | March 2, 30
We’re delighted to announce that a shared meal will again be part of our Stations of the Cross experience this year!
CLICK HERE to help – we are looking for soup makers and volunteers for each evening.


Facebook Group: Ripples of God’s Love – Lent Edition

An oasis of positivity on the social media landscape!

Parishioner-led with an open forum. We’ll walk through Lent together. Invite your family & friends – no need to be a member of St. Mary. Just search the group name on Facebook and send a request to join.


Ripples of Generosity

St. Mary Lenten Alms Project – COTS

Coordinated by the Matthew 25 Committee

This year, our parish Lenten Alms Project will benefit COTS, Inc., a transitional shelter helping individuals experiencing homelessness in the Fox Valley, Wisconsin. Their goal is to end homelessness by helping individuals to transition to self-sufficiency and independent living.

Find out more about COTS at a presentation by Jen Gaerthofner after the 4:30pm, 7:45am and 9:45am Masses on March 4/5, or at