Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Diving in to our Vision – Discipleship
Scripture: Gn 2:18-24 Heb 2:9-11 Mk 10:2-16
Perhaps You Know
- Men choose women who are similar to their mothers to marry
- Women choose men who are similar to their fathers, as well
- Couples may not look alike on their wedding day
- After twenty-five years of marriage, they begin to resemble each other
- Sharing similar experiences affects a couples body language and emotional state
- History is written on their faces – often wrinkles in the same places
- What do you think? Like husband, like wife…Like wife, like husband, etc.
Launching Our Diving In To Our Vision Homily Series
- What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus – let’s reflect
- If Jesus is the Bridegroom – Who is the Bride? The Church – The People of God
- You and I are in a prearranged marriage with the Lord
- The Church and each person in it must reflect the image of Jesus
- A disciple of Jesus is always energized by the Holy Spirit to think, feel and act like Him
The Disciple of Jesus
- Does not choose his or her values, attitudes or character
- The disciple becomes more and more like Jesus
- The transformation does not happen overnight but a process of continued growth
- Pastor Rick Warren not so much to imitate Jesus because he inhabits us
- How does this happen through transformation – metamorphosis (Greek)
- This transformation can be stunning and amazing
My Pastoral Response to the Synod – Discipleship
- Paragraph 19- A disciple is a lover of Sacred Scripture.
- St. Jerome reminds us that ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Jesus
- We can’t be good followers of Jesus if we are not praying the Scriptures
- Praying the Scriptures is to deepen our friendship with Jesus – knowledge is the offshoot
Like Jesus – Live Like Jesus Video Series
- Thank you to everyone involved in creating this series
- You are invited to join a small group
Throughout Our Lives
- We commit to so many things – success, wealth, popularity
- They will truly not give our lives meaning and purpose
- Only being a disciple of Jesus – being like him, loving him will assure us of the holy experience of an abundant life
Like Jesus the Bridegroom, Like the Church, His Bride, The People of God, Each and Every One of Us!
Questions for Reflection
- What impacted you from the readings/homily?
- What was your reaction to being in a prearranged marriage with the Lord?
- What has been your encounter with the Scriptures? Have it helped you to become a disciple of Jesus?
- When did you commit to becoming a disciple of Jesus?
- Would you consider joining a Be Like Jesus Small Group?
Live Connected
- Continue your discipleship transformation. Invite someone to join you in a Be Like Jesus Small Group!