Sept 12 Homily Connect
Scripture: Is 50:5-9a Jas 2:14-18 Mk 8:27-35
Looking to Eternity
- Twenty years is 1/1000 or 1 millionth of the blink of an eye
- Yet is marks the passing of a significant amount of time
- 911 seems like yesterday because of the horrific event
- Difficulty sleeping at night for two to three weeks
- I remembered the 1000 people never recovered from the rubble
- I cried myself to sleep
- Remembered the Cantor Fitzgerald Law Firm which was atomized
- Remembered the two iron beams which fell from the sky in the shape of a cross
- Remembered the terror which haunted the lives of our Moslem brothers and sisters. Are we prepared to welcome our Afghan brothers and sisters?
- I remembered so much more….What do you remember?
Mychal Judge
- Capuchin Friar –Beloved Chaplain for the New Your Fire Dept.
- What Anne Gardner, Episcopalian priest say’s about him – He was an impish and gregarious charged with magnetic charism. “His mere presence filled every room he entered. He was the very definition of larger than life.
- On 911 he was among his beloved fire fighters – Made a “beeline for the north tower”
- He was victim 0001 of 911 – photo of firefighter carrying his lifeless body from rubble
- Like a modern day Pieta – I remember him
- He speaks to me as person and priest – Lord, take me where you want me to go. Let me meet who you want me to meet. Tell me what you want me to say. And keep me out of your way.
- Ms. Gardner says – “Let us morn the dead. Let us grieve our loss. But let us remember, on that day, heroes were born. Ordinary men and women, just like those who frantically rushed into the towers to try to save Mychal (and so many others), emerged as shining examples of bravery and grace. They put themselves at risk for one reason and one reason only, someone else. A blessing will never be forgotten…While one World trade Center now gleams instead of the north and south towers of the World Trade Center, a rebuilding of notable measure, the repair is still not complete. A suspicion and division, rooted in religious, cultural and political differences, still remains sadly so. Nevertheless, that work will be left for another day. This week is for remembering.”
Jesus’ Title Messiah
- Unlocks understanding of the person of Jesus
- Peter confessed Jesus as Messiah – The Christ – Anointed One – Not truly knowing
- Peter though of Messiah as a conquering (of Romans) warrior
- Jesus had to say to Peter, “No way. You have no idea what God has planned for me.”
- The Messiah would be a suffering servant – giving his life to others
- Those who believed would not die
And so like Jesus..Like His Disciples..Like You and Me
- A disciple of Jesus does not live for himself/herself
- A disciple of Jesus is a man, woman and a child for others
- Jesus says, “Whoever wishes to come after me must deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow me. For whoever wishes to save your life will lose it, but whoever loses your life for my sake and that of the gospel will save it.”
Maybe This Week
- We can remind ourselves that we live for Jesus and for others
- We can pray for those who lost loved ones on 911 – those who grew up without parents
- Our hearts will never stop breaking
- This is our tribute to the holy martyrs of 911
Question for Reflection
- What impacted you from the readings/homily?
- Where were you on 9-11-2001? What do you remember feeling that day? Twenty years later what is your reaction?
- What is the most difficult part of living for others? Who would be someone in your life who lives for others?
Live Connected
- Looking at your calendar for the upcoming week, consider the opportunities you may have to live for others and just “do it!”