Jun 20 Homily Connect: God is With Us
Scripture: Wis 1:13-15, 2:23-24 2Cor 8:7, 9, 13-15 Mt 5:21-43
Reading From Wisconsin
- Reminds us God does not bring death or rejoice in destruction
- Evil, intolerance come through humankind – not God
- God does not create illness or suffering but is with us through it all
Today’s Readings speak of life
- Our most precious gift
- From womb to tomb – unborn to the elderly – gifted, disabled – every color, race, creed
- From everyone’s first breath to last
God’s Desire
- We know, love and serve him
- To know God is to freely surrender – Put your trust and faith in Him at all times
- Struggles test our faith – family issues, health, job , marriage, death
- God never abandons – Wraps arms around us even tighter
America’s got talent – a contestant
- Thirty year old woman with terminal spine, lung and liver cancer performed original song It’s Okay
- Jane said, “I am so much more than the bad things that happened to me…You can’t wait until lie isn’t hard to be happy.”
- Jane sees the value of life – She “walks by faith and not by sight” (2Corinth 5:7)
In Today’s Gospel
- The synagogue official and the hemorrhaging woman
- Jarius could have dismissed Jesus when hearing of daughter’s death
- Jesus was there to show His gift of life for all at the house and for us
- For twelve years hemorrhaging woman used her resources for doctors with no help
- Outcast woman, breaking social rules was not willing to throw in the towel
- In faith and trust, touched His cloak and was healed
- Each morning I pray, “Lord, I do not know what this day holds, help me to put my faith and trust in you.”
- We gather to give thanks and praise to our God
- Let us trust in Jesus’ physical and spiritual healings of our struggles – mending our body and soul
- Let us be a healing instrument to others who are struggling
- Believe in the words found in scripture: be not afraid, trust in the Lord, walk by faith, value others, and choose life.
Questions for Reflection
- What impacted you from today’s Readings and/or homily?
- Have you been able to surrender yourself to God? In what circumstances? What was that like?
- When have you walked by faith and not by sight? Are you able to do it in a consistent manner? If not, what would help you?
Live Connected
- Reflect upon your life; identify times when Jesus has been a healing instrument of your struggles. Share it with another person.