June 30: Day by Day with Father Bill
WEDNESDAY OF THE THIRTEENTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME -Source unknown Saint Joseph, you held the Son of God close to you, and when the child Jesus was lost you felt the concern and worry of a parent. Be like a father and counselor to me; protect me by your prayer in time and in eternity. […]
June 29: Day by Day with Father Bill
SOLEMNITY OF SAINTS PETER AND PAUL, APOSTLES -from Pope Francis’ homily on the Solemn Feast of the Apostles SS. Peter and Paul, June 29, 2020 We celebrate together two very different individuals: Peter, a fisherman who spent his days amid boats and nets, and Paul, a learned Pharisee who taught in synagogues. When they went […]
June 28: Day by Day with Father Bill
MEMORIAL OF SAINT IRENAEUS, BISHOP AND MARTYR -from Sister Joan Chittister’s The Liturgical Year [Writing about Ordinary Time] But the truth is there is nothing ordinary – if by ordinary we mean inferior or less than important – about a period such as this at all. This time is the extraordinary period of coming to […]
June 26/27: Day by Day with Father Bill – Weekend Edition
I am writing this reflection at the beginning of my vacation in Colfax, Wisconsin. My brother, Bob, and sister-in-law, Judy, have graciously opened their lakehouse to me for the week. The evening sun is shimmering through the pine trees. Tainter Lake is some 120 steps down from the top of the hill where the lake […]
June 25: Day by Day with Father Bill
FRIDAY OF THE TWELFTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME -from Father Henri Nouwen’s The Way of the Heart If you would ask the Desert Father why solitude gives birth to compassion, they would say, Because it makes us die to our neighbor. At first this answer seems quite disturbing to a modern mind. But when we give it a […]
Jun 20 Homily Connect: God is With Us
Scripture: Wis 1:13-15, 2:23-24 2Cor 8:7, 9, 13-15 Mt 5:21-43 Reading From Wisconsin Reminds us God does not bring death or rejoice in destruction Evil, intolerance come through humankind – not God God does not create illness or suffering but is with us through it all Today’s Readings speak of life Our most […]
June 24: Day by Day with Father Bill
SOLEMNITY OF THE NATIVITY OF SAINT JOHN THE BAPTIST -from Rev Malcolm Guite of Cambridge, England Love’s hidden thread has drawn us to the font, A wide womb floating on the breath of God, Feathered with seraph wings, lit with the swift Lightening of praise, with thunder over-spread, And under-girded with an unheard song, Calling us […]
June 23: Day by Day with Father Bill
WEDNESDAY OF THE TWELFTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME -from Bodmin Hermit, a Franciscan monk in England ON SOLITUDE The point of our time in solitude is to do nothing and not try to make anything happen. Here, in silence we learn to stop doing, stop producing, stop pleasing people, stop doing anything except simply be […]
June 17: Day by Day with Father Bill
THURSDAY OF THE ELEVENTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME -from Pope Francis’ homily for the Solemn Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ, Sunday, June 6, 2021 Jesus tells the disciples that the Passover meal can be eaten wherever a man carrying a pitcher of water leads them. To celebrate the Eucharist, we […]
June 22: Day by Day with Father Bill
TUESDAY OF THE TWELFTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME The Room by Andres Cerpa (written when he was a little boy. Now an adult, Andres’ first book of poetry, The Vault, was published on June 15, 2021) My room is my domain. In it I feel no pain. I take comfort in its untidiness. The books and clothes […]