Nov 12: Day by Day with Father Bill
The following statement was issued by Cardinal Sean O’Malley, OFM Cap, Archbishop of Boston and Member of Pope Francis’ Council of Advisors (the only member from the USA):
Part I
Today our country, one of the oldest democracies and most diverse societies in the world, should take pride in the success of the electoral process. We thank all candidates who have participated in the elections and commend the historic voter turnout, a tribute to the citizens who voted in such striking numbers, in stark contrast to earlier elections. That encouraging sign has opened the way to begin a process of participation among all citizens however they voted. As Catholics, we are committed to the common good, social justice, and the Gospel of Life. Participation in the political process is a sacred duty. In a country facing the threefold challenge of addressing a global pandemic, repairing a fractured economy and renewing a national commitment to the goals of racial justice and equality, the broad participation of citizens in the election should be a foundation for rebuilding our unity as a people. The President and those who will serve with him have both the opportunity and the challenge of rebuilding civil trust, of providing a sense of hope in a time of social crisis, and of calling us to share our best talents and energies in a common task. Our prayers should be with all those called to lead the country. The task we face is not fully captured in the data, the numbers, charts and graphs; the task is also a spiritual. As Pope Francis shared in the recent Encyclical Letter, Brothers [and Sisters] All, we are called to promote friendship and an acknowledgement of the worth of every human person, always and everywhere. Each citizen, each person, across lines of color, ethnicity, faith and philosophy, can and should be asked to place solidarity over inequality, compassion over revenge, and generosity over self-interest.
Part II tomorrow.
Father Bill +