Appleton, WI

Oct 28: Day by Day with Father Bill


On October 10, Pope Francis participated in the virtual TED [Technology, Education, Design] Countdown Global Launch. I would like to share with you some of the highlights of the Holy Father’s Address.

Our conscience tells us that we cannot remain indifferent to the suffering of those in need, to the growing economic inequalities and social injustices. And the economy itself cannot be limited to production and distribution. It must also consider its impacts on both the environment and on the dignity of people. We could say that the economy should be creative in itself and in its methods, in the way it acts. I would like to invite you to go on a journey together. A journey of transformation and of action. Made not so much of words, but rather of concrete and pressing actions. I am calling it a journey because it requires a shift, a change. From [this] crisis none of us must come out the same … and it will take time, and hard work, to overcome it. We will have to take it one step at a time, help the weak, persuade those in doubt, imagine new solutions, and commit to carry them out…Five years ago I wrote an encyclical letter Laudato Si, dedicated to the care of our common home. It proposes the concept of integral ecology, to respond together to the cry of the Earth, as well as to the cry of the poor. Integral ecology is an invitation to an integral vision on life, starting from the conviction that everything in the world is connected and that, as the pandemic made sure to remind us, we are interdependent on each other, as well as on our Mother Earth.

[to be continued tomorrow]

Father Bill +