Appleton, WI

Sep 15: Day by Day with Father Bill


-From a prayer offered by Pope Francis in Fatima, May, 2017:

Hail, our life and our sweetness.
Hail, our hope.
A pilgrim Virgin, a universal Queen!
From the depths of your being,
in your immaculate heart,
you see the joys of human beings
when they journey toward the heavenly homeland.
From the depths of your being, in your immaculate heart,
you see the sorrow of the human family,
that mourns and weeps in this valley of tears.
From the depths of your being,
in your immaculate heart,
adorn us with the radiance
of all the jewels in your crown and make us pilgrims as you were a pilgrim.
With you virginal smile,
strengthen the joy of Christ’s church.
With your sweet gaze,
strengthen the hope of God’s children.
With your prayerful hands that you raise to the Lord,
unite us all into one human family.

Father Bill +