Aug 29: Day by Day with Father Bill
God transmits his love day and night. It is really in the Blessed Sacrament. God wants us so much. God’s love is like gigantic sea waves pounding and demanding to break into our lives. However, we have interior resistant walls resulting in inner conflicts. These conflicts can cause inner pain. These waves want to break down our interior barriers…When I enter church to meet Jesus in the Eucharist, my senses deceive me. What I see and hear tell me nothing about God’s action in my life. That is because I do not see these forceful big waves. I do not hear their roar as they strike against my rocky surface. I think I am in silence now but that masks the reality. How can God’s crazy love for me be idle?…When we watch ocean waves, we can feel the fury in them, the powerful upheaval that would like to break something. Yet it is not like that in God. There is simply amazing love for me that is not getting through. Still, perhaps I can manage to accept the grace of faith and then something from that roar will hit my stony heart. Perhaps I shall then start asking forgiveness, I shall humble myself before this astonishing love which like those waves is continuously running towards me from the Eucharist. Maybe there will be a miracle so I will become smaller. Maybe my hard heart will soften. Huge waves will no longer be painfully striking the hardened surface of my heart, but they will gently flood over these crumbling stones from which my heart is now being reshaped. Perhaps they will be really different, more gentle, more humble. The waves won’t now strike with force. They will flow over and into me. They will wash me. They will penetrate my inner being. They will shape something unusual from me – something I would never have begun to imagine even in my wildest dreams.
(-from Father Tadeusz Dajczer, The Mystery of Faith: Meditations on the Eucharist)
Let us pray for our sisters and brothers whose lives were shaken terribly by the wind and waves of Hurricane Laura.
Father Bill +