Homily Connect: Aug 2
Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, August 2, 2020
IS-55:1-3 ROM 8:35, 37-39 MT 14:13-21
But they said to him, “Five loaves and two fish are all we have here.” Then he said, “Bring them here to me,” and he ordered the crowds to sit down on the grass. Taking the five loaves and the two fish, and looking up to heaven, he said the blessing, broke the loaves, and gave them to the disciples, who in turn gave them to the crowds.
Reflection: My Dad and America’s Pastime
- Baseball looks different this summer
- We miss seeing the crowds
Crowds on the Hillside
- Five thousand gather overlooking the beautiful Sea of Galilee
- Mesmerized by the charismatic preacher
- Jesus’ eyes and heartfelt with overwhelming love for each person
- Did they feel Jesus speaking individually to each of them?
- Would you have loved to be there?
Come to the Hillside, Today
- Take your place on the grass-feel its lushness
- Your family on each side of you. No need to social distance
- Jesus disciples seated nearest to him
- The woven basket of bread and two fish near them
- See Jesus look up to heaven, bless and break the bread
Your Reaction to the Event (A Beautiful Way to Pray)
- What did smell-salt water, wildflowers, freshness of the air
- What did you feel-a gentle breeze coming off the lake?
- What did you hear-words of love, comfort, healing and challenge?
- What did you taste-bread, salty fish?
Our Experience of the Hillside Would not Have Been the Same
- If we would have been livestreamed into the moment
- The experience and miracles of Jesus need to be experienced firsthand
- We need to be with other people
We are Meant to be Together at Mass
- We hear the Word of God in community
- We are present when the bread and wine are offered
- We see and hear the Body of Christ being broken and our hearts are broken open
- We come together to the Table of the Lord where everyone has a place
- Jesus Divine cells mix with our human cells
- Intimacy in being together is so much more powerful than spiritual communion
Reflecting on the Last Months
- The loneliness of celebrating Mass without you in an empty church
- Gratitude for seeing your masked faces, my spirits have been lifted
- I miss seeing our young families and the children
I Know, These Days are Difficult
- We care about keeping all our parish family members safe
- We are taking every precaution for safety at Mass
- We will be trying to return to normal with in-person school around the corner
- I cannot imagine the difficulty in making that decision as it will be with deciding to return to Mass
Questions for Reflection
- What impacted you from today’s Gospel and/or homily?
- What did you experience sitting on the hillside with Jesus?
- What is your experience of livestream Mass?
- What do you miss about in-person Mass?
Live Connected
Each week, practice placing yourself in the Gospel and be aware of your reactions to what you see, hear and feel.