June 29: Day by Day with Father Bill
From Pope Francis’ Homily on this Solemnity last year:
“Peter and Paul were cut to the core by questions asked by Jesus: “Simon, son of John, do you love me?” and “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?” Peter was grieved by Jesus’ questions, while Paul was blinded by his words. Jesus called them by name and changed their lives. After all that happened, he put his trust in them, in one who denied him and one who persecuted his followers, in two repentant sinners. We may wonder why the Lord chose not to give us two witnesses of utter integrity, with clean records and impeccable lives? Why Peter, when there was John? Why Paul, and not Barnabas? There is a great teaching here: the starting point of the Christian life is not our worthiness! In fact, the Lord was able to accomplish little with those who thought they were good and decent. Whenever we consider ourselves smarter or better than others, that is the beginning of the end. The Lord does not work miracles with those who consider themselves righteous, but with those who know themselves needy. He is not attracted by our goodness; that is not why he loves us. He loves us just as we are; he is looking for people who are not self-sufficient, but ready to open their hearts to him. People, who like Peter and Paul, are transparent before God.”
I would encourage you to read Pope Francis’ entire homily. It is so beautiful!
Here is the link:
Saints Peter and Paul, watch over our Church and guide Pope Francis, our Bishops, and all God’s People!
God’s blessings on this day to all in our families and among our friends who are named Peter or Paul!
Father Bill+