Appleton, WI

Homily Connect: June 21

Twentieth Sunday I Ordinary Time, June 21, 2020

JER 20:10-13 | ROM 5:12-15 | JN 15:26B, 27A


But the Lord is with me, like a mighty champion: my persecutors will stumble, they will not triumph. Jeremiah

Jesus said to the Twelve: “Fear no one.  Nothing is concealed that will not be revealed, nor secret that will not be known. Matthew

The Story of the Boy with the Bread Sandwich

Dr. Norman Garmezy – The Virtue of Resilience

  • Question: No matter what the stressors, why are some children and adults more resilient?

What Resilient People Say:

  • Bad events aren’t my fault
  • I can change the situation rather than assuming it’s unchangeable

Serenity Prayer Adapted by Fr. James Martin

God, grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, which is pretty much everyone, since I’m not you God. At least not the last time I checked.

And while you are at it God, please give me the courage to change what I need to change about myself, which is frankly a lot, since, once again, I’m not you, which means I’m not perfect.

It’s better for me to focus on changing myself than to worry about changing other people, who, as you’ll no doubt remember me saying, I can’t change anybody anyway.

Finally, give me the wisdom to just be quiet whenever I think that I’m clearly smarter than everyone else in the room, that no one knows what they are talking about except me, or alone I have all the answers.

Basically God, grant me the wisdom to remember that I’m not you.  Amen

Resilient People have Spiritual and Religious Support

The Resilient Jeremiah

    • Hounded/unappreciated by Israelite religious leaders because they didn’t like his words
    • A Prophet is a mouthpiece for the Lord who speaks truth to power
    • People don’t like the truth so they silence the messenger
    • Resilient Jeremiah survived the well because of friendship with the Lord (and friends)
  • But the Lord is with me….

Jesus Encourages Us to be Resilient

  • Jesus/Matthew always speaks to people being persecuted/traumatized
  • Persecution is setting for Matthew
  • Jesus would be the source for resilience in the lives of his disciples
  • Friends and followers are being exposed to traumatic events
  • We as Jesus friends and followers are being exposed to traumatic events today
  • Coronavirus, our suffering brothers and sisters, family of Rayshard Brooks

We Are Called

  • To remain hopeful and resilient with examined hearts that are being transformed
  • We must remind ourselves to turn to the Lord
  • We pray like Jeremiah…but the Lord is with me…
  • To pray with Jesus, Fear no one. Do not be afraid

Let us Pray

Jesus, you are my Champion!  Jesus you are my Resilience!  Never, never let me forget You!

Help me to see You in every person!  Help me to grow closer to you through every situation in my life, even the traumas!

Questions for Reflection

  • What impacted you from today’s Gospel and/or homily?
  • Can you think of a time when you needed to be resilient?
  • How were you able to be resilient?
  • How has your relationship with Jesus affected your resiliency in times of trauma?

Live Connected

  • Write down the two passages from today (the verses found at the top of the page)
  • Place them somewhere where you can see them often.  Use them to address the trauma you hear and experience during the day.