Appleton, WI

Homily Connect: Mar. 1

First Sunday in Lent

GN 2:7-9 3:1-7 | ROM 5:12-19 | MT 4:1-11

Discussion Questions

  1. What was your reaction to the description of the desert in regard to what is going on in your
    mind and heart? Could you identify from personal experience?
  2. Do you struggle with the three P’s?
  3. Have you experienced Jesus in the midst of your personal desert times?
  4. How do you find your way out of the desert?
  5. How do you seek and find comfort during your “desert times?” Has the Sacrament of Reconciliation helped you?

Join The Conversation

You’re invited to discuss this message with a small group at one of our Homily Connect Groups. Sign up here.

Live Connected – Simple Ways to Keep the Message Alive During The Week

  • Put the Scripture passage in a place where it can be seen each day
  • Bring your most troubling desert experiences to Jesus in prayer
  • For forgiveness and freedom, celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
  • This Lent, make note of how Jesus is revealed to you in a new way through the Sunday

Attitude/Heart Change

To identify and admit to the desert experiences in our life.

Action/Life Change

To seek forgiveness for those desert places in your life and to come to Easter Sunday freed and refreshed with the love of Jesus.

Lenten Theme Focus

  • Jesus said, “I am the truth.” We look to the person of Jesus to understand what is everlasting
    and true. The truth considers the intersection between Jesus, our strengths and weaknesses
    and hopes and dreams.
  • We spend time on our knees in front of a merciful God as the sinners we are and also in awe
    and adoration.

Imagine the Desert

Days are hot, nights are cold, empty with few distractions, our minds and hearts
take over and there is nowhere to hide. Our minds are as loud as the monkeys in our head and heart and
they have a field day with us.

Scripture Focus

At that time Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil.

Jesus’ Temptations

The three big P’s including Possessions, Power and Popularity. Themes of more is never enough, stepping on others to come out on top and playing it safe to be popular over prophetic.

Your Personal Desert

In your desert, what comes to your mind, frightens your heart and takes you to
places of shame and guilt? Do you resonate with Saint Paul’s message today “For I do not do the good I
want, but the evil I do not want to do.”?

Jesus’ Unwavering Declaration

“I understand your struggle, I have been there. Bring your struggle to me and I will forgive you, heal you and set you free.”

Final Thoughts

In this Lenten season will you be able to ask forgiveness for what makes you most sick
inside? Come to the Sacrament of Reconciliation to experience true freedom. No worries if you forgot
what say.