Appleton, WI

Homily Connect: Apr 19

Second Sunday of Easter-Divine Mercy Sunday April 19, 2020

ACTS 2:42-47 1 | PT 1:3-9 | JN 20:19-31


Jesus came and stood in their midst and said to them, “Peace be with you.” When he had said this, he showed them his hands and his side.

My Experience of Anointing of Merlin

Jesus and Thomas

  • A very intimate moment
  • Jesus resurrected body still marked with the wounds of the crucifixion
  • We would have wanted to remove any memory of the horrible event
  • He bears the wounds even now

Jesus’ Wounds are Our Wounds

  • His wounds free us from our wounds and burdens
  • Just as Thomas touched Jesus’ wounds, Jesus touches our wounds
  • Jesus is currently touching the wounds of those who are sick, without a homeland, persecuted, oppressed, terrorized and tormented with mental illness
  • Reminds us to touch each other’s wounds with great tenderness

Jesus’ Gift to His Friends that First Easter

  • No judgement, only peace and forgiveness
  • Are we willing to offer the same to those who have betrayed and hurt us?

Jesus’ Love for Us is So Lavish and Extravagant!

A Quotation from Pope Francis in a Message to Young People

Jesus love is a love that does not overwhelm or oppress, cast aside or reduce, to silence, humiliate or dominate. It is a love of the Lord, a daily discreet and respectful love that is free and freeing, a love that heals and raises up. The love of the Lord has more to do with raising up than knocking down, with reconciling than forbidding, with offering new challenges than condemning, with the future than the past.

Divine Mercy Sunday-Saint Sister Faustina of Poland

We are invited come before the Risen Lord and stand in the light of Jesus’ mercy

Jesus Wants Us to Rise Up and Be Amazed

  • May we imitate His tenderness and mercy with others, especially those who are struggling
  • May we offer peace and forgiveness

Questions for Reflection

  • In your life who may have touched your wounds with the love of Jesus?
  • Do you have outward signs of crosses you have carried? How has it helped or hindered you?
  • Who might be someone in your life that you may need to coax to stand in the light of Jesus’ mercy
  • What is your greatest story of receiving God’s love and mercy?

Live Connected

  • Consider a person that is in great need of peace, love and mercy this Easter. Reach out.
  • Write down/journal moments of your own Jesus story
  • Pray for those who need the loving and merciful hand of Jesus but have no one to touch them.