Appleton, WI

Homily Connect: Mar 29

Fifth Sunday in Lent

EZ 37:12-14 | ROM 8:8-11 | JN 11:1-45

Mass will live-stream here at 9:45 AM on Sunday
The video will also be available to re-watch after Mass.

Discussion Questions

  1. What observation speaks to you most profoundly today?
  2. What new insight have gained?
  3. Have you ever questioned Jesus as Martha did in your life? Did Jesus respond?
  4. What would you like to be freed of this Lent?

Live Connected – Simple Ways to Keep the Message Alive During The Week

  • Ponder one observation each day this week. Ask Jesus for new insights
  • Have an honest “Martha “ conversation with Jesus about something on your heart
  • Pray to be freed from a personal struggle this Easter
  • Make note of how the TRUTH has revealed Himself more fully in today’s Gospel

Attitude/Heart Change

To believe that Jesus lived as a fully human person and in friendship can understand our fears and suffering

Action/Life Change

To establish and build my personal relationship with Jesus so I can be a trusting and free disciple

My knowledge of Lazarus’ Tomb in the Holy Land – Bethany today.

This Scripture –One of the Most Powerful Accounts of Jesus’ Life

Four Observations:

  • Now Jesus loved Martha, her sister Mary and Lazarus.
    Jesus was fully divine and fully human-He had friends whom he loved
    Jesus wants to have a deep friendship with us
  • When Martha heard that Jesus was coming, she went to meet him; but Mary sat at home.
    Martha said to Jesus, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.”
    Martha was upfront and honest about her feelings and beliefs
    It is good for us to ask Jesus tough questions especially during these trying times
  • And Jesus wept.
    Jesus’ powerful expression of his sadness at Lazarus’ death reveals the depth of his loss
    We experience sadness today at our loss because of social distancing
    We are not alone-Jesus suffers with us
  • He cried out in a loud voice, “Lazarus, come out!”
    Jesus calls Lazarus from the tomb and orders those around him to set him free
    Place yourself inside Lazarus tomb and hear “Come out!” What do you need to leave behind in
    the tomb to be free?

Modern Day Lazarus

When Nelson Mandela was freed after 27 years of imprisonment he said, As I walked out of the door
toward the gate that would lead to my freedom, I knew if I did leave my bitterness and hatred behind, I’d still be imprisoned.

Freedom Prayer (Fr. Austin Fleming)

Lord give me freedom in my heart:
When I am walled in by loneliness,
Imprisoned in my past,
When guilt and shame are my roommates,
When fear holds me a prisoner,
To accept your forgiveness and mercy,
To share those gifts with others.
To become the person you created me to be.